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Year 6 - St Maximilian Kolbe

Welcome to Year Six!

The Year Six class teacher is Ms Orbell (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).

Miss Harrison teaches the class on a Monday.



Year Six have P.E. on Mondays and swimming on Fridays. Children should come to school wearing P.E. kits and with long hair tied back/earrings removed please.


Dates for your diary

Wednesday 26th June - cycling with Steve from Sustrans.

Thursday 27th June - WW2 Day - please dress up!

Friday 28th June - Class trip to Walsingham. 

Friday 19th July - Leavers' Assembly at 9:15am.



The KS2 SATs will take place during the week commencing 13th May. Please see the timetable below:

Monday 13 May English grammar, punctuation and spelling:
– Paper 1: questions
– Paper 2: spelling
Tuesday 14 May English reading
Wednesday 15 May Mathematics:
– Paper 1: arithmetic
– Paper 2: reasoning
Thursday 16 May Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

We are offering a SATs breakfast to all Year Six children; the classroom will be open at 8:15am each morning - please do encourage your child to come along. Mrs Pritchard will then lead some quiet reflection time in the chapel before we begin the test(s).