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Everybody SAFE. Everybody HAPPY. Everybody LEARNING.

Our Safeguarding lead is: Daniel Pickard

Deputy Safeguarding leads: Charlotte Harrison, Luke Crickwood, Tracy Pooley (Pre-school), Susan O'Reilly (Pre-school) and Melinda Brand (Ace Base)

We all have a responsibility to keep each other safe.

'Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility' (Keeping Children Safe in Education), therefore all adults who come into contact with children and their families have a role to play.

At All Saints, the children are at the heart of everything we do and therefore ensuring their health, safety and well-being is our priority. We must safeguard all our children from any actual, or potential, risk or harm, ensure they feel safe at school and, should it be necessary, put in to place the most effective support as early as possible.  We continuously develop and maintain a ‘culture of vigilance’ to ensure that signs and symptoms of abuse are picked up, thus the opportunity for those wishing to cause harm to children is drastically reduced.


We are a ‘School Family’ and we see the safety, health and well-being of our children as being everybody’s responsibility. We are a small school and benefit from knowing all the children in our care very well. Everyone who works at All Saints has a professional responsibility and curiosity for our children; to be vigilant and notice if a child is causing concern and may appear to be at risk of harm.  All staff receive regular training and follow strict safeguarding procedures to protect the children and know to pass on concerns to relevant personnel who can act to protect them. All staff are highly trained in Safeguarding and The Prevent Duty. 

Designated Safeguarding Professionals at All Saints

At All Saints we are committed to ensuring that our children are kept safe from harm. We all have a duty to be 'professionally curious' and will use a child-centred approach in order to safeguard and promote the welfare of the all in our care.

Following our recent quality assurance of PEPs, I wanted to write to acknowledge the level of work that it was clear that you put into the PEPs.  They were of a high standard.  The wealth of information provided demonstrated how attuned you are with the learners and their needs.  The additional documents built a clear picture of the educational journey.  The child’s voice came through so clearly.

Thank you for the commitment you have shown to working in partnership with Cambridgeshire Virtual School and social care.  As a virtual school, we look forward to continuing to work with you in the future.