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Preschool funding and fees

Free two year old funding for 15 hours per week is available subject to eligibility criteria and availability.  You can check your child’s eligibility by clicking on this link Funded hours for eligible 2 year olds | Cambridgeshire County Council

Early years funding for 15 hours per week is available universally for all children the term after their third birthday.

Free 30 hours funding for  3 year olds and 15 hour funding for 2 year old children with working parents is available subject to eligibility and availability.  You can check your child’s eligibility on the Childcare Choices Website which can be found at

Unfunded sessions are charged at £3.75 per hour.  Hot lunches are available and charged at £2.30.

For more information on funding, charges and availability please contact the pre-school on 01354 659000 ext 2