British Values
The most important way for our children to understand democracy is to experience it in action.
This takes place most obviously through the school council system. Annual elections introduce the terminology of democracy and the children experience the formal procedure. Once the council is elected the members will report back to their classes, canvass opinions and include all children in the process.
Our ethos and relationships with children ensure that they experience the importance of fairness and can contribute to discussion and decision making within the day to day life of the school. This could include voting for a class reward or electing a spokesperson in group work. Democracy is also an important strand within our history curriculum.
Rule of law
The children understand the importance of our school values of SERVICE, THANKFULNESS & UNDERSTANDING in ensuring everyone can enjoy SAFE, HAPPY, LEARNING at All Saints.
Our values are promoted through Collective Worship, the curriculum and daily interactions between all members of the school community.
The consistent application of the behaviour policy reinforces expectations and consequences.
Curriculum links, visits and visitors highlight the work of the emergency services and their role in the community.
Individual liberty
Within school, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supported environment. Evidence for this can be found in the following ways:
- PANTS – a whole school NSPCC Pants day has helped children to create their own safeguarding hands. These are displayed in each classroom and point out 5 people that each child can talk to if they are in trouble.
- E-Safety Day – A whole school e-safety day has taken place using the CEOP materials. This has helped children to feel safe online.
- Parent E-Safety – Parent sessions have been held for e-safety. These were targeted sessions for families who had problems in this area.
- RSHE – A new scheme is in place and allows children to discuss issues as a class and tackle larger problems.
Mutual respect
Building positive relationships with our children and families is essential as we work with many families who have experienced trauma. Training in this areas is provided to staff each year and this builds into how we work together and how we treat our children. In turn our children understand the expectations we hold and how to treat one another with respect.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
We are fortunate to serve a diverse community and celebrate what we have in common and what makes us all unique. In addition to recognising the two distinct faith traditions that underpin our vision and values, learning about different festivals in collective worship and space in the curriculum to discuss differing views of history mean that children understand and enjoy the diverse nature of our school family.
Prejudicial incidents are rare and actively followed up. Children report feeling safe and feel welcomed. Children settle quickly into our school from wherever they join.