An Attachment Aware Approach to Behaviour
‘Let the children know that they are loved’
St Don Bosco
Relationships, Routines & Restorative practice
At All Saints, all staff understand and agree;
Behaviour is a form of communication.
Behaviour is a communication of an emotional need whether conscious or unconscious, and responding accordingly. Taking a non-judgemental, curious and empathetic attitude towards behaviour will encourage all adults in school to respond in a way that focuses on the feelings and emotions that drive certain behaviours, rather than the behaviour itself.
Equality of opportunity is not the same as equality of provision
Children are individuals. Our aim is always to allow equality of opportunity and to achieve this, we understand that provision will vary. Being ‘fair’ is not about everyone getting the same (equality) but about everyone getting what they need (equity).
Consistency builds trust
Our close work with families and the community has demonstrated that to enable a ‘secure base’ for our children and give them the best chance of being at their best, we need to provide a consistent, calm and emotionally stable environment for them.
Our approach is simple, equal and fair and we subscribe to a set of transformative consistencies that permeate our practice and interaction with the children.
Read more about this in our Behaviour 'Quick Read'