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Special Educational Needs and Disability


Following the departure of Isobelle Johnson, the school has commissioned support from an experienced SENDco and Specialist Teacher, Allison Phillips. 

Please note that Allison does not work full-time and you are advised to contact your child's class teacher or the school office if you have a SEND related matter that you wish to discuss. Alternatively, email Mr Pickard ( with any questions or comments about your child's SEND provision and someone will get back to explore this further.

Our Inclusion Policies and SEND Information Report

Use the links below to view our current policies related to Inclusion and SEND, as well as our annual SEND Information Report.

SEND Information Report 2023-24

DRAFT SEND Policy 2023-24

Accessibility Plan 2022-25

DRAFT Equalities Statement 2023-24

Nurture, Alternative Provision and Inclusive Extra-Curricular Opportunities at All Saints

At All Saints Interchurch Academy, we pride ourselves on responding to the needs of individuals, viewing all learners as unique, valued and loved members of our school family. 

Stepping Stones Morning Nurture 

Last academic year, we launched our Stepping Stones Morning Nurture group. This group was set up to provide identified children with a 'soft start' to their school day, recognising that some learners need an additional level of support to transition from the home to school environment. The group also aims to provide positive social experiences and opportunities to develop communication over a shared breakfast and adult-supported play activities. 

This year, Morning Nurture is run by Mrs Davey and Miss Booth. Numbers for this group are limited to no more than eight pupils. 

Stepping Stones Alternative Provision

In addition to our Morning Nurture session, we are very excited to have launched Stepping Stones Alternative Provision this year. We currently have two groups running from 9am until 11am each day, one for Reception and Key Stage 1 children, and one for Key Stage 2. These groups are limited to six pupils per group. The majority of children in these groups have EHCPs, while others are on the APDR pathway with identified additional needs. 

During Alternative Provision each morning, we aim to provide learning opportunities which are closely tailored to the children's needs and interests, and also reflect the targets within their EHCPs and APDRs. As with our Morning Nurture sessions, we also aim to provide positive pro-social experiences and build on communication skills in a happy, calm environment. 

Mrs Johnson is responsible for and oversees both groups. Our Reception and Key Stage 1 group is run on a daily basis by Miss Smith and Miss Stevens, while our Key Stage 2 group is run by Mrs Johnson and Mrs Davey. 

Please read our 'Letter to Parents' for more information on our Stepping Stones Alternative Provision groups. 

Letter to Parents

If you have any questions or enquiries regarding any of our Stepping Stones provisions, please contact Mrs Johnson. 

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

In the last academic year, we have been fortunate enough to be able to provide some exciting extra-curricular activities for our children with SEND. 

In the Autumn Term, a group of Key Stage 2 children with SEND enjoyed an inclusive sports morning at Sir Harry Smith Community College in Whittlesey. Mrs Johnson and Mrs Southwell were so proud of our children, who engaged in all the activities on offer and, more importantly, had huge smiles all morning. 


From March to May, we were very lucky to have weekly visits from Clare from the charitable organisation 'Froglife'. Each Monday afternoon, Clare taught a group of Key Stage 2 pupils with SEND and/ or who are Pupil Premium about our local wildlife, and also helped us to develop our veg patch!

In June, we took a group of children with SEND and/or who are Pupil Premium to Sacrewell Farm for a fabulous day out. This visit was kindly organised and funded by March Rotary Club, and everyone had a wonderful time meeting the animals, enjoying the play equipment and experiencing a bumpy tractor ride. 

What Our Families Say About SEND Provision at All Saints

In November 2023, we asked families with children on the SEND Register for feedback on their children's provision at All Saints Interchurch Academy. Here are some of the comments made.

"The SENDCo and class teachers are very approachable, patient and pro-active. They are very positive and keen to provide our son with the best education. Our son has become more confident and talkative under their guidance. We also receive excellent practical advice on what we can do at home to support our son's learning at school."

"I think the communication between the SENDCo and home cannot be bettered. Mrs Johnson emails us, approaches us in the playground or picks up the phone proactively with new ideas."

"We feel that the support being received by the school is outstanding. We recognise that the school has gone above and beyond to provide extra support, and that this extra support has made a huge difference for [our son]."

"Your professionalism has given us faith that we are being listened to as parents, that our children are now well on the way to getting the support they need, and that you genuinely want to help."

"I find communication between School teachers/SENDCo and home is very fluent and school is very approachable.  Meetings are scheduled regularly and plans are set and regularly reviewed. All Saints School has changed my son's life in such a positive way, his experience in a previous setting wasn't great and he was missed, at All Saints he is cared for and recognised and all teachers involved in his daily care manage him very well. I feel I can approach my son's teacher anytime with any concerns or information I feel she may need to know and I always get a response - great communication."

"Communication is always clear and efficient and both teacher and SENDCo and very approachable to discuss anything I may need to. [My child] is getting extra support in school with phonics and I have been shown the program being followed. Thank you for all support!"

"It makes life so much easier having the right support!"

Information and Resources for Parents and Carers

At All Saints Interchurch Academy, we understand that navigating the world of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities can be daunting. What is an APDR? Why has my child got one? Why are school staff talking about an EHCP, and what does this mean for my child? We hope that the videos and links below will help to answer any questions you may have. If not, please do contact either your child's class teacher or Mrs Johnson so that we can help.

A helpful video guide to the 'Graduated Response' to SEND

A useful page explaining SEND support in schools

A great video giving key information about Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)

A clear, concise infographic explaining what an EHCP is

EHCP guidance from Cambridgeshire County Council

Our SEND Governor

Our SEND Governor is Allan Whyte. Allan worked for more than forty years as a Clinical Psychologist with a particular focus on Child Psychology. He is very supportive of the development of SEND provision at All Saints and has spent considerable time compiling resources to support our children, parents and carers, based on his own extensive experience. 

Please click on the links below to find out more!

Anxiety in Children

Anxiety Relief Tools

Understanding ADHD - Information for Parents

Opening Up: How to encourage your child to confide in you

Gifted and Talented: A Parents' Guide

SEND Support and Advice Beyond School

There is lots of amazing support beyond school for children with SEND and their families, both online and in person.

Please spend some time exploring the links below to see what is out there.

The Cambridgeshire Local Offer

SENDIASS Cambridgeshire

PinPoint Cambridgeshire

Cambridgeshire Early Help

IPSEA - Independent Provider of SEND Advice