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Attendance Matters!

Key Life skills

An important part of your child'  readiness to learn is their attendance and punctuality.

We strongly believe that there is a direct link between pupil progress and a child’s level of attendance. We take seriously our responsibility of monitoring and addressing attendance issues and acknowledge that irregular attendance seriously disrupts the continuity of learning for pupils.

It is essential that home and school work together so that all pupils at All Saints get the best start in life.


Regular monitoring

We monitor attendance and punctuality closely and have used national data sets to guide us in relation to attendance bands but as there is no comparable data for punctuality, these bands are based on what we feel is appropriate in promoting the importance of good punctuality as a key life skill.

Did you know?

  • If your child has 80% attendance over the total 11 years they are at school they will miss over two year’s education.
  • Even if your child has 95% attendance over the total 11 years they are at school, they will miss over half a year’s education.
  • If your child is 5 minutes late every day they will miss a total of seven weeks of learning in their whole school career.


When Absence is unavoidable

If a child has been unable to attend school for any reason, a dated letter or email explaining the absence should be sent into the school via the office or class teacher.  This could also be done by telephone call or voicemail to the school office. Parents are asked to contact school on the first day of absence. Notification of planned absence for medical or other reasons is necessary and evidence of any medical appointments should be made available. 

Parents are discouraged from organising holidays during term time and all such requests will be recorded as unauthorised. Unexplained absences have to be marked down as “unauthorised”.

We operate a first day calling system for any unexplained absences.


The links below may help you in making decisions about your child's attendance.

Is my child too ill for school?

How long should I keep my child off school for?

A letter from the chief medical officer